Dear Friends,


Monadnock RSVP is excited to launch our new disaster training initiative in collaboration with the American Red Cross (ARC) and the Greater Monadnock Public Health Network (GMPHN)!  This opportunity offers you: free education, flexibility with the commitment and scheduling, opportunity to serve when people need the most help, and opportunities to travel to to local and national disasters.

If this is something you are interested in read more below.


The Red Cross Disaster Service Overview is a 3.5 hour class designed to introduce you to disaster preparedness and response at the Red Cross and includes information on the New Hampshire model for Emergency Services.  It is a prerequisite for all other Disaster Services courses.  Volunteers who wish to continue with additional training and be available to respond to disasters will need to complete an online application and activate an account in the ARC Volunteer Management system called Volunteer Connection.  Volunteers must have email.   Red Cross uses this system to ask for availability when a disaster is happening and volunteers must utilized the Volunteer Connection and login at least one time a month.  

Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Time: 1:00 – 4:30

Location: NH West Chapter of the American Red Cross at 83 Court Street, Keene  




The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network meeting will introduce the volunteers to the organization, their services and our partnership, and training opportunities.     Volunteers who wish to continue with training and be available to respond to disasters will need to fill out their required paperwork.


Date: Thursday, April 17th 2014

Time: 1 – 3pm

Location: Cheshire Medical Center Auditorium B (main entrance, straight back through the lobby, past the lab, take a left, conference room on your right past the chapel).

580-90 Court Street, Keene


You may choose to volunteer at one or at both organizations since they respond to different types of emergencies.  Red Cross focuses on meeting people's immediate emergency needs caused by disaster, including shelter, food, and health and emotional health service to address basic human needs.  The GMPHN coordinates an effort to ensure improved public health efforts.  They manage the area’s Medical Reserve Corps, and coordinate response in concert with Department of Health & Human services in the event of health emergencies.  (A medical background is not required to volunteer.)  At times there is a considerable overlap but in disaster Red Cross operates shelters and the GMPHN would partner with them on materials for those with functional needs and possibly Medical Reserve Corps workforce.


Please let me know the training(s) you plan to attend.  Thank you in advance for your interest in strengthening our community’s capacity to be prepared ahead of time to respond to disaster!


Best, Kathy


P.S. These organizations provide services throughout the entire region.  Thus, volunteers from the eastern side of Monadnock Region are invited as well.  With enough interest, future trainings may be planned in Peterborough.


Kathy Baird

Program Director

Monadnock RSVP Volunteer Center

64 Main St., Suite 212

Keene, NH 03431
