Posted by Jim Banghart on Jun 20, 2017
Hello fellow Rotarians,
This week, in my last meeting as your President, we have a club assembly and I will go over what we accomplished this year, and I want to share with you some of the key take-aways from this year’s district meeting. 
If time permits I will give the results of the satisfaction survey on how we might make the club better for our members.  While I think it is important that you hear the results of the survey you participated in, it suggests there is no need to change, there is widespread support for the status quo.
Next week, there will be no regular meeting because we will have our gavel night that evening.  The Russell’s have agreed to host the event again this year.  For Gavel night, you should bring your beverage of choice, you guest of choice and an hors d’oeuvre of your choice.
Let me also remind you that Tonya has scheduled Quest training for Thursday morning, June 29, in place of our regular meeting, starting at 0730 at the middle school.  You should have received an email on this yesterday afternoon.
Yours in service,
Rotarian Banghart