Good news! No more Roadside Clean-up responsibilities until May 2015!

Once again we had a terrific turnout for this service project and banged it out in exactly one hour. Ben Wheeler and Preston Clarke were the jackpot winners as they each found a dollar bill on the side of the road. Somehow, Alan Soney and I conned our wives into helping out? I can’t speak for Alan but trust me when I say that I paid for it later! There is a certain amount of gratification knowing that we have made the gateway to the Monadnock Region look even more pristine.

Today is Tuesday and the Board of Directors had their monthly meeting. We approved 2 charitable donations that will benefit the elementary school children of both Jaffrey and Rindge. There was much discussion about Interacts possible venture to Nicaragua. Reverse Raffle was of course a high priority. Lastly, we considered the proposals from the Membership Committee on how best to retain our current members and attract new members. I was pleased that the Board Members gave the proposals thorough, heartfelt and considerate critiques. The proposals were not accepted but that was not because there was any grievance. Basically, the Board felt there were a few more things we would like the Membership Committee to add to their proposal before adopting it into our Club. I applaud the hard work of our Membership Committee and anticipate the proposal presented in November will be unanimously accepted.

Reverse Raffle preparations are in full swing. If you feel you can help Tom Doane, Randy Morse and Sadie in any way, they would appreciate it.

Right now our biggest push is for ticket sales. We know we have about ½ of the tickets sold but since we have not gotten together for almost 2 weeks we are optimistic that ticket sales are closer to 3/4? If you have not sold your tickets, please get them to your Team Captain by Thursday. Considering the quality of this year’s Auction items, this could be our best Raffle Event ever?!

Thursday October 23 is our Club Assembly Meeting. This will be our first “Student of the Month” award ceremony for this school year. Our recipient is a Junior at Conant High School. The long awaited Bios of Sadie and Randy are also on the agenda. Tom Bennett is unable to attend and I have requested that Jed Brummer assist Bill Driscoll with Happy Fines.

Tom Doane has the Invocation.

Hope to see you all on Thursday.

 Rotarian Lawn