Hi Fellow Rotarians,
Happy New Year!
There is no meeting this Thursday due to the New Year holiday.  Our next meeting will be at the Woodbound Inn on Thursday, January 10th, at 7:15am.
Our meeting that day will feature Jed Donelan from the New England Center for Civic Life (NECCL).  Jed will introduce Rotary to his organization and the deliberative practices used by the organization to engage in community dialogues on controversial, contemporary issues.  If you would like to learn more, please visit: https://www.franklinpierce.edu/institutes/neccl/
The NECCL recently received a small grant to perform a deliberative dialogue on the topic of immigration, using an issue brief developed by the National Issues Forums(NIF).  This issue brief has been used to moderate dialogues across the country. The grant is specifically to host a community forum where conversation on immigration can be had.  The NECCL will host this community forum immediately following the January 10th meeting at the Woodbound Inn so that our Rotarians and visiting Rotarians can engage in a deliberative dialogue on what has become a lightning rod topic! 
Should be thought-provoking -- please plan to join us after the meeting for a good discussion!
In the meantime, time for me to practice writing "2019" -- I've already ruined three checks!
Yours in Service,
Photographs courtesy of Harold Davis. 
More pictures may be found (20 of them) at https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipONczQlteGGKTYLKE9hfoELDkezZDxc5WwX59drXTdzkzin8oYuILB-uAjTdGIQ5Q?key=c3RzT0Vjc2pNMFhZM0NQWkItOEJ5ZFFwdEkzRVVR