Home Page Stories

Dear Rotarians,

Our Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Club will meet this Thursday, February 13th, at 7:15am, at Franklin Pierce University.

This week, we’re excited to welcome our student of the month from Jaffrey Grade school. We will also discuss the club's progress, upcoming activities, and another progress report.

Due to last-minute weather closures last week, we weren’t able to coordinate with our scheduled guest speaker, Beth Ann Hooper. She arrived early, and Sheila, Teresa, and I had the chance to welcome her in the cafeteria. We had a great conversation about her work as a poet, writer and filmmaker, and more. Beth traveled a long way to be with us, and we truly appreciated her time. We’ll be arranging another meeting for her to share with our full group.

As a reminder, when the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District announces a snow closure for Thursday, even if it is broadcast on WMUR on the Wednesday evening before we meet the next day, the weekly Rotary meeting will be cancelled.  Thus, check WMUR when snow is forecast!

We hope to meet as planned this Thursday, weather permitting—though the forecast is calling for another snowstorm. Fingers crossed for clear skies!

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you, sharing our stories, and continuing our mission of service and impact in the community.

Let’s keep the energy high and the momentum strong!

Yours in Service,
