Hello Fellow Rotarians,

I hope everyone is enjoying this unseasonable weather. We really have had a mild winter so far.

Remember, there is no meeting this week because of Presidents' Day but we do have the Community Supper at the United Church Parish Hall.

Just a reminder in case you do not remember what you signed up for.
 Lasagnas:Randy, Tonya, Donna, Bruce, Brad, Jim, Matt and Sheila.

Set up and food prep: (3 PM) Gail, Tom D., Randy, Bruce and Clay.

Servers:(5 PM) Tonya, Brad, and Mr. Driscoll.

Clean up: (6 PM) Alan, Helene,Clay and Andy

We could use one or two more people on clean-up if anyone is available.

I will be at the hall around 2:30 so things can be dropped off then.
Remember to wear a Rotary shirt if you have one. If you do not have a Rotary shirt you could wear your QUEST shirt.

Enjoy your week.

Yours in service.