Patricia Vargas, Cathedral of the Pines, Keynote Speaker
Patricia Vargas, Executive Director of the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, updated the Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Club on the strategic directions of the Cathedral, including some of the exciting changes that are taking place.  President Jon Frederick expresses his appreciation to Patricia for her update.
Greg Walsh, Kathleene Card, and Andrew Card applaud Patricia Vargas
Several Rotarians are on the Board of Trustees of the Cathedral of the Pines, including Greg Walsh and Kathleen Card.  Andrew Card, although not a Trustee, nonetheless, has been very involved at the Cathedral.  Other Jaffrey-Rindge Rotarians who now serve or who have recently served on the Board of Trustees include Jed Brummer, Jim Banghart, Susan Emerson, Bernie Hampsey, Bob Schaumann, and Don Upton (Trustee Emeritus).
Two Bills... and one Bill Forthcoming
Following a delicious Woodbound Inn breakfast, Rotarians Bill Driscoll (L) and Bill Raymond (R) compare notes about the January weather.  What's the one Bill Forthcoming?  It's actually the semi-annual Rotary dues bill that has been mailed to all Rotarians.  Please submit to Bill Raymond at your earliest convenience.