Fellow Rotarians,
Welcome back to the Rotary year.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving
We resume with our regular morning meeting on Thursday, December 5th, at 7:15 am at Franklin Pierce University.  Peter Russell has the invocation.  Jim Banghart will present on navigating our Club and MyRotary.org websites.  This will be a good opportunity to become familiar with the material if you are not a frequent user.
The most recent District 7870 newsletter is in the following link: https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000050052/en-ca/files/sitepage/newsletters-2019-20/newsletter-november-2019/November-2019-District-Newsletter-.pdf   Our presentation of the Paul Harris Fellow to Rob Stephenson is in the letter.
Our Interact Club will be at our meeting Thursday to distribute the seed wreaths we pre-ordered.  The wreaths are $20, so remember to bring your money if you made an order.  If you did not pre-order and would like one, they will have a few extras.
District 7870 Governor Nancy Russell will be visiting us at our December 12th evening meeting at Emma’s.  Stephanie was able to get us the back room, so we will have a quieter venue.  Mark your calendar.
See you Thursday morning!
Service Above Self
One Profits Most Who Serves Best