Hi Fellow Rotarians,
This week marks the observance of Memorial Day, formerly called "Decoration Day."  It is a day to recall, remember, respect, and realize the ultimate sacrifices made by many in numerous wars and conflicts in which these United States have been involved. Unlike Veteran's Day, in which we honor and recognize those military and former military who served and are still with us, Memorial Day should fill all of us with appreciation for what we have in the United States and for those who - in one way or another - died to help defend the principles of democracy for which this Nation stands. 
To many in our Rotary Club who have served, e.g., Clay Hollister, Andy Lawn, Joe Manning, Russ Robertson, and others (the list would be long) -- thank you for what you have done, and we are glad that you are with us today!
There is no meeting this week in observance of Memorial Day. 
Our next meeting on Thursday morning, June 6th, at 7:15pm, will be at Monadnock Christian Ministries, at which time we will have the official "ribbon cutting" for the new playground.
Please remember the important June 3rd BEST Training at the Jaffrey Library at 2:00pm.
In closing, I hope you find this reflective of the meaning of Memorial Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omd9_FJnerY
Yours in Service,
Pictures courtesy of Harold Davis and Own Houghton.  More  of Harold's pictures may be found at: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qJa7f9e3PJ2JQ88x9