Hi Fellow Rotarians,
Our next meeting of the Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Club will be held on Thursday, November 16th, 7:15am, at Franklin Pierce University.
During this week’s Happy Fines, I would encourage folks to share prior Rotary events that were meaningful to you.
I am going to ask John McCarthy and Ben Wheeler to give us an update on this week’s Interact induction ceremony, which will occur at the Cathedral of the Pines on Tuesday, November 14th, at 6:00pm. This is always an upbeat event, and a strong Rotary Club showing is always welcome. Yes, there will be cake!
Because of Thanksgiving week, the Club will not meet on Thursday, November 23rd.  We will have a regular meeting the following Thursday on November 30th, including a guest speaker.
John and I are meeting with Bill Raymond this week to discuss the responsibilities of club Treasurer so we can transition this responsibility by mid-2024.
Join me in recognizing the past to inspire the future!
Yours in Service,